'A Portrait' is Kasper Købke's hyperrealistic artwork of the area around Thorvaldsens Museum, Christiansborg and Gl. Strand in Copenhagen
'A Portrait' is Kasper Købke's hyperrealistic artwork of the area around Thorvaldsens Museum, Christiansborg and Gl. Strand in Copenhagen
Specifications for Limited Edition
Specifications for Limited Edition
The story behind it original artwork
The story behind it original artwork
Research for the broken window
The broken window is drawn
Overwhelmed buyer of 'A Portrait'
The original artwork hangs in a private family in Switzerland and measures 160 x 120 cm.
The family subsequently wrote to Købke;
“Kasper, thank you very much for a completely overwhelming visual experience. The final work goes far beyond our wildest hopes. You have a spectacular talent and a gift that deserves the greatest recognition.
I will look forward to the picture for the rest of my days and look after it as one of my dearest possessions.”
Kasper Købke stated in connection with the completion of ‘A Portrait’ that;
“For me personally, there is no doubt that this artwork appears to me to be one of the most interesting of my artworks, both technically and visually.
With this artwork, I have focused an incredible amount on the visual expression, rather than the technical aspect alone.
I want to tell something with the artwork, I want to put thoughts in people’s heads. I want to create a recognition for the viewer, but at the same time a sense of wonder.”
Enjoy exploring Købke’s hyper-realistic artwork.