'The Little Match Girl'
'The Little Match Girl' is one of Kasper Købke's fairy tale artworks in his award-winning Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale book
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H.C. Andersen has several times used his friends and their children as characters in his fairy tales and stories.
As a gift to Andersen, I have also used several children I know as characters in my fairy tale artworks. In The Little Match Girl, my dear niece Olivia has been given the honor of portraying the dear homeless girl.
There are up to 1,000 references to Hans Christian Andersen’s own life, work and times in Købke’s fairy tale book, so that both children, adults and Hans Christian Andersen experts will be able to get something very special out of this artwork.
The book has been published in 8 languages – and Købke has received the Hans Christian Andersen Award 2017 and The Klods Hans Award 2016 for the book in which this fairy tale artwork of the the Tinderbox is included.
The Hans Christian Andersen Award that Købke has received has also previously been received by, among others, Johannes Møllehave, Queen Margrete II of Denmark, Ghita Nørby, Günter Grass, Ib Spang-Olsen and others.