Artwork for your wall by
Kasper købke
award-winning artist
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Limited Edition: Attention
Fra 201,08€ -
Fra 37,00€ -
Fra 37,00€ -
Limited Edition: The Strong (year 1400-1600)
Fra 231,91€ -
Limited Edition: Nørrebrogade Copenhagen
Fra 422,26€ -
Limited Edition: Nytorv Copenhagen
Fra 227,89€ -
Limited Edition: Dancing Bishop (year 1200-1400)
Fra 231,91€ -
Fra 37,00€ -
Limited Edition: Institution
Fra 328,43€ -
Fra 37,00€ -
Fra 37,00€ -
Limited Edition: The Tinderbox
140,75€ -
Fra 37,00€
Kasper Købke's Original Artworks
See Kasper Købke’s highly detailed and award-winning historical & personal artworks, all drawn in pencil.
Købke doesn’t just draw very detailed, he also draws very large artworks, and even on sculptures.
There are always many layers hidden in Købke’s artworks, not just visually, but also in terms of narrative. Købke wants to take you into his visual stories.
Have fun.
Hand drawn historical original artwork
Vestre Prison, Copenhagen
“… Værket ,jeg håber ingen kommer til at se i virkeligheden! – Og hvis de gør, så bliver det forhåbentlig kun den ene gang i livet”
‘Inside’ er det historiske værk om Vestre Fængsels historie fra dets indvielse i 1895 og frem til i dag, fortalt gennem Købkes tegneblyant.
Værket indeholder flere tusinde direkte og indirekte historiske referencer om fængslets 128 års historie, som Danmarks største fængsel.
Get your own Kasper Købke Artwork
Limited editions
Med en Limited Edition af Kasper Købkes værker, får du et unikt, originalt signeret og nummereret værk på din væg – og hvis du ønsker det, kan du få en speciallavet indramning til dit værk.
Hvert værk kommer i et begrænset oplag på mellem 30 og 100 stk. – så tag et kig allerede i dag og find dit nye yndlingsværk.
Kasper Købke's
Enthralling lecture
“… Kasper Købke is a super lively and present storyteller … and a God-given communicator…”
Kasper Købke is a highly experienced lecturer with more than 500 lectures under his belt. He is a super lively and present storyteller – and a God-given communicator – not according to himself – but according to those who have experienced him.
“… Kasper’s passion for the art of drawing, his nerdy approach, his precision, his perfection and flow of ideas can only impress us all.
It is in full swing when Kasper is on stage. I am already looking forward to the next time.”
Carsten Holvad, principal at Rude Strand Folk School
You can choose between Købke’s 6 different lectures
You can choose between Købke’s 6 different lectures
Fun and educational drawing for you - regardless of age
Draw with Kasper Købke
Together with Kasper you get the coolest, funnest and most educational drawing lessons – and that’s regardless of your drawing level and age. Because with Kasper, everyone draws, regardless of whether you are 6 or 96 years old.
Over the past 14 years, Købke has taught more than 10,000 children, young people and adults – at all drawing levels. So he has a lot of experience in planning his Summer Drawing Schools, drawing courses and drawing workshops with a targeted drawing course that ensures that everyone, regardless of drawing level, gets the most out of his drawing lessons. Both regarding useful drawing techniques, new drawing friends, big smiles and big laughs.
Købke’s popular Summer Drawing Schools have been SOLD OUT FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS throughout Denmark, and already SOLD OUT THIS YEAR – but don’t hesitate to sign up at the waiting list for the Summer Drawing School.
You can also draw with Kasper for the rest of the year. See more here;
And you can also try Kasper’s fun drawing games at home or at school. You can find them right here;
Kasper Købke's award-winning fairy tale artworks
Hans Christian Andersen
Kasper Købke har brugt mere end 5.000 intense tegnetimer på at følge i de verdenskendte eventyrs fodspor.
Det er blevet til 67 værker til 14 af H.C. Andersens eventyr, der er udgivet i en bog på i alt 8 sprog – hvori hele Andersens liv er tegnet ind i tegningerne.
Købke har modtaget H.C. Andersen Prisen 2017 og Klods Hans Prisen 2016 for eventyrbogen.
Siden da har Købke afholdt utallige foredrag om sin intense tegneproces, eventyrtegningerne og H.C. Andersens liv
Hand drawn historical artworks
History of Denmark throughout 12.000 years
6 historiske værker fortæller Danmarks historie fra den seneste istids afslutning og frem til i dag.
Som vores fælles historie, rummer de 6 værker både sjove, fantastiske, livsbekræftende, hovedrystende, grumme, ondskabsfulde, uforståelige og morderiske fortællinger – og alt sammen vil du finde i Købkes 6 historiske værker.
- Vikingen – Seneste istid til år 1200
- Dansende Biskop – år 1200-1400
- Den Stærke – år 1400-1600
- Fortælleren – år 1600-1750
- Skytten – år 1750-1900
- Skateren – år 1900-2020
When the day starts with the drawing pencil in hand
Morning Drawings
Kasper Købke spends the first waking hour drawing.
A single hour to start the day in the very best way show with the pencil in his hand in front of the drawing paper – a podcast or audiobook plays in the background and the fragrant steam of the coffee finds its way to the nose. Quite simply, a perfect free space before the day’s work and chores knock on the door.
The morning drawings are drawn over many, many mornings and at the pace who looked after Købke the individual morning hours.
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